Latch Hook Rugs

Latch hook rugs have much in common with traditional hooked rugs. The technique of hooking latch hook rugs follows the basic but slightly changed steps of hooking. The first difference occurs with the making choice for a backing material. For latch hook rugs the base patterns usually comes in larger sizes.

A ready made latch hook rug has a neat knotted pile and a strong base. Latch hook rugs can be made in any shape you desire. Also, there are all kinds of them available on the sale. Latch hook rugs look adorable and own so dear rustic air of simple beauty. They do not demand sophisticated care and will keep attractive and neat appearance for a long time.

You can do latch hook rugs by yourself. It is a wonderful relaxing pastime and a creative outlet during evenings. As a result, you will have your own latch hook rugs that will match specific purposes you meant for them and be up to your taste.